Verdant Republic – Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Grow Kit Log – Part 1 & 2

Verdant Republic – Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Grow Kit Log – Part 1 & 2

The first and second part of my grow log for the Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Kit from Verdant Republic.

Verdant Republic are a retailer of microgreen grow kits and stock a massive variety of sprouting seeds.

The Purplicious microgreens kit contains Radish, Beetroot, Red Swiss Chard, Cabbage and Kale Seeds.

Microgreens Nutrition Benefits

Microgreens Nutrition Benefits

Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are harvested just after their first true leaves appear.

They are essentially in-between sprouts and baby greens in terms of growth stage.

From kale and broccoli to radishes and cilantro, a wide variety of plants can be grown as microgreens, each offering its own unique taste and nutritional benefits.

Microgreens are packed with micronutrients such as Vitamin C, E, K, carotenoids, minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper.

Research has found that microgreens often contain significantly higher quantities of micronutrients and antioxidant phytochemicals than their mature counterparts.

Purplicious Microgreens Grow Log

Starting off our Purplicious Microgreens Superfood grow kit, we have the Beetroot and Red Swiss Chard microgreens.

Beetroot microgreens are the little green warriors packing a big nutritional punch and a flavor explosion.

Their remarkable health benefits, vibrant appearance, and unique taste make them a must-have ingredient in any culinary health enthusiast’s kitchen.

Beetroot Microgreens

Beetroot Microgreens Grow Kit Verdant Republic

Next up we have the Red Swiss Chard Microgreens.

Red Swiss chard microgreens are the early growth stage of the popular Swiss chard vegetable, a leafy green known for its versatility and nutritional profile.

With their vibrant red stems and colorful foliage, these microgreens offer a spectacular addition to any plate.

Don’t underestimate the size of these little greens, as they boast an impressive nutritional profile.

Red Swiss chard microgreens are abundant in vitamins A, C, and K, essential minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium, and dietary fiber, all in concentrated amounts.

Red Swiss Chard Microgreens

Red Swiss Chard Microgreens Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Red Swiss Chard Microgreens Grow Kit

Next up, as part of the Verdant Republic Purplicious Microgreens grow kit, we have the Radish Vulcano Microgreens from start to finish.

Radish Vulcano Microgreens

Radish Vulcano Microgreen Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Radish Vulcano Microgreen Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Radish Vulcano Microgreen Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Radish Vulcano Microgreen Grow Kit Verdant Republic

Much as I expected given Radish microgreens deep-rich purple colour, a recently published study I came across describes them as being a good source of the phytochemical anthocyanins.

Radish microgreens are a good source of antioxidants, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and anthocyanins.

Radish microgreens (Raphanus sativus L.) are rich in antioxidants, have antimicrobial action, anticarcinogenic properties, and are known as immunostimulants.[1]

Finally, finishing up our Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Grow kit from Verdant Republic, we have the Red Cabbage Microgreens.

Red Cabbage Microgreens

Red Cabbage Microgreens Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Red Cabbage Microgreens Grow Kit Verdant Republic
Red Cabbage Microgreens Grow Kit Verdant Republic

Red cabbage microgreens are loaded with anthocyanins, the same pigments that give the vegetable its vibrant hue.

These antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, helping to reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.

Some preliminary research has suggested that Red Cabbage Microgreens may possess cholesterol lowering properties.

In summary, our data support dietary consumption of red cabbage microgreens modulates cholesterol metabolism, weight gain, and may protect against hypercholesterolemia and CVD.[2]

These data suggest that microgreens can modulate weight gain and cholesterol metabolism and may protect against CVD by preventing hypercholesterolemia. [3]


Thoroughly enjoyed my experiences with Verdant Republic’s Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Grow Kit.

The Microgreens were easy to setup, grow and you can have fresh micro-nutrient dense superfoods growing in your kitchen a quick as a few days.

Highly recommend for individuals looking to boost their diet with fresh, nutrient-dense superfoods.


Purplicious Microgreens Superfood Grow Kit Verdant Republic

The Purplicious Microgreens Superfood grow kits are available to purchase at Verdant Republic.

Verdant Republics Purplicious Microgreens Grow kit is also recyclable and biodegradable, making it 100% eco-friendly.

LINK: Verdant Republic


[1] Antioxidant Capacity and Shelf Life of Radish Microgreens Affected by Growth Light and Cultivars

[2] Lipids and Cholesterol-Lowering Activity of Red Cabbage Microgreens

[3] Red Cabbage Microgreens Lower Circulating Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), Liver Cholesterol, and Inflammatory Cytokines in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet


About admin

Passion for researching natural health, nutritional and herbal medicine science.

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